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Microwavin Manoa


Table of contents


Many college students have limited kitchen resources, limited cooking skills, limited time, limited access to grocery stores, and no access to creative recipes that respect these constraints. As a result, college students spend money to eat out, or eat non-healthy foods at fast food places or through vending machines.

Microwavin Manoa creates a way for students (on-campus or off) to learn and share recipes that:

Technologies we plan on using for “Microwavin Manoa”:


Microwavin’ Manoa website, deployed from Digital Ocean.

User Guide

A walkthrough for the Microwavin Manoa user interface.

Landing Page

The landing page is the first page presented when users visit the URL. It gives users an overview of what can be done on the site, along with a section saying to create an account. landing landing landing

Signup and Signin Page

If you were previously registered, you are able to “Login” by clicking the button on the upper right button on the navbar. If not, you are able to make an account by clicking “Sign up”.

signup signin

User Home Page

After successfully logging in as a User, the system takes you to user home page. It is like the landing page but without the section saying to create an account. The NavBar now contains links to add recipe, search recipe, all vendors, and my recipes.


Admin Home Page

When a user has the admin role, they have an ‘Admin’ link in the NavBar that lets them view, edit, and delete all recipes for all users, along with the ability to add, edit, and delete all vendors and ingredients. There is a new image communicating this to admins.


Add Recipe Page

After logging in, Users and Admins are able to add recipes. If an ingredient that they want for the recipe is not already in the system, there is a popup to add an ingredient with a certain vendor and price. Now the ingredient will be available to select for the recipe’s ingredients.

addrecipe addingredient

Search Recipe Page

On this page, Users or Admins can see all recipes in the system (alphabetized for easier lookup). Recipes can also be filtered by their respective tags and ingredients. There is also a button to see a random recipe.


Individual Recipe Page

Upon clicking a recipe, the page will display all information for that recipe. This includes the name, image, ingredients, tags, serving size, prep time, and description. Additionally, there is a table to easily look up all the required ingredients, where to get them, and at what price. This table includes the link to the vendor where the ingredient can be bought. Using this information, the lowest total cost to make a recipe is calculated using the lowest price for each ingredient.

indivrecipe recipetable

All Vendors Page

Both Users and Admins can access a page to see all the vendors in the system.


Vendor Profile Page

Upon clicking on a vendor, the page will display information for that vendor. This includes the name, image, address, hours, and all available ingredients and their prices. Here, the prices of ingredients can be updated by anyone, and new ingredients can be added to that particular store. If the vendor is one of the default vendors, there is a google maps embed for that store. If it is a vendor that an admin added later, the google maps will show all grocery store around UH Manoa.


My Recipes Page

On this page, Users and Admins have access to all the recipes they have created. Here, they can also edit and delete the recipes they have made.

myrecipes norecipes

Edit Recipe Page

Both Users and Admins can be redirected to this page to edit an existing recipe. The back button changes depending on whether they are a user or admin


Admin Page

On this page, Admins can see all recipes, vendors, and ingredients in the system. For easier navigation there is a tag on the side to navigate between the three. Here, recipes, vendors and ingredients can be edited and deleted.

admin admin admin delete

Edit Ingredient Page

Admins can edit the price and location of existing ingredients.


Add Vendor Page

Admins can add new vendors into the system with a name, address, image, and hours.


Edit Vendor Page

Admins can edit existing vendors.


Community Feedback

We kindly received feedback on the application from 5 UH community members. Here are the results of our findings!

Developer Guide


First, install Meteor.

Second, download a copy of Microwavin Manoa.

Third, cd into the app directory and install the required libraries with:

$ meteor npm install

Additionally, you may need to run this command:

$ meteor npm install --save react-router-hash-link

Running the system

Once the libraries are installed, you can run the application by invoking:

$ meteor npm run start

Note regarding “bcrypt warning”:

You might also get the following message when you run this application:

Note: you are using a pure-JavaScript implementation of bcrypt.
While this implementation will work correctly, it is known to be
approximately three times slower than the native implementation.
In order to use the native implementation instead, run

  meteor npm install --save bcrypt

in the root directory of your application.

On some operating systems (particularly Windows), installing bcrypt is much more difficult than implied by the above message. Bcrypt is only used in Meteor for password checking, so the performance implications are negligible until your site has very high traffic. You can safely ignore this warning without any problems during initial stages of development.

Viewing the running app

If all goes well, the template application will appear at http://localhost:3000. You can login using the credentials in settings.development.json, or else register a new account.


Lastly, you can run ESLint over the code in the imports/ directory with:

meteor npm run lint

Development History

GitHub Organization of Microwavin-Manoa containing all its repositories.

The development process for Microwavin Manoa conformed to Issue Driven Project Management practices. In a nutshell:

The following sections document the development history of Microwavin Manoa.

Milestone 1

The goal of Milestone 1 to form an idea how the site would be set up along with developing very basic mockups for the pages and starting work on the different Mongo collections.

Milestone 1 was managed using Microwavin Manoa GitHub Project Board M1:

Milestone 2

The goal of Milestone 2 was adding more functionality to the site by making various calls to the Mongo database. Another goal improve the overall UI design of the site.

Milestone 2 was managed using Microwavin Manoa GitHub Project Board M2:

Milestone 3

The goal of Milestone 3 was to continue improving functionality to the site. A big part of this was adding 50 default recipes and 25 default users into the system. We were also continuously implementing some quality of life and UI changes.

Milestone 3 is currently being using Microwavin Manoa GitHub Project Board M3
